50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Landscape and Grounds Advisory Committee ~

Chairperson: Jon Attard

Members: Kathleen MacDonald, Aline Henderson, Debby Seed, Wayne Hudson (landscaper), Gary Legault (Board liason)

Quebec/Gothic Landscaping Project (updated July 21, 2012)

The major changes at the corner of Quebec and Gothic Avenues, proceeding west to the garage entrance, are the culmination of several years of planning involving the Board of Directors, the Landscape and Grounds Advisory Committee and Wayne Hudson of Park Place Grounds Maintenace Inc. The following information extracted from Board minutes will highlight some of the obstacles that had to be addressed to reach the point of removing old foliage before the new transformation:

September (Fall Meeting - 2020)

March 12, 2012 Minutes

4.2 i)  Landscaping Committee Proposal - Phase 2, Year 1

The Board studied the Landscaping  Committee Proposal and inspected the grounds. The Board was in favour of approving the Phase 2 Year 1 recommendations, and considering approving the additional work prior to year 2 and year 3.  Concern was raised regarding the tree that needs to be removed that requires a City permit. Sean Cumming will study the land survey to ensure that the work in the Landscaping Committee proposal is legally on YCC323-owned property and does not impose on the legal City Property Line.

4.2 ii) Davey Tree Removal proposal

The Board studied the Davey proposal and inspected the grounds.  The Board agreed with the recommendation to prune and remove four (4) of the Austrian Pines situated at the south east corner of the property as these trees have been seriously affected by Dipodia Tip Bight.
Further, it was agreed to have Davey do the Deep Root Feeding in this area to protect the remaining trees.
Second, along Gothic Avenue there is another Austrian Pine that is 80%
dead and requires removal; the removal of which requires a City Permit. The Property Manager was requested to proceed with requesting the City Permit.  Further, it was agreed to have Davey do the Deep Root Feeding in this area to protect the remaining trees.
Third, at the north east corner of the building, between the building and
the tennis courts, there is another Austrian  Pine which has a dead top, likely due to construction activities. The Board requested the Property Manager to speak with Davey and determine what options are available to preserve this tree.

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April 26, 2012 Minutes

4.5  Landscape City Permit Status: Isan has arranged for Enbridge, the water service and Ontario Hydro to come and mark utility placement for the landscapers.  The Landscape Committee is reviewing the new plans for the landscaping project and the board will look at this plan at the next meeting.

4.6  Davey Tree Removal Changes:  Isan will request permits for the city to remove two trees as recommended by Davey Tree Removal.  The Board approved the removal of the top part of a tree in the Northeast corner.

May 24, 2012 Minutes

4.4  Landscape City Permit Status: We are waiting for the city's final decision about removing a city tree near the garage entrance.

4.5  Landscaping Implementation Phasing Review: The landscapers will review the Landscape Committee's proposals and a modified proposal and quote will be brought to the Board.

4.6  Davey Tree Removal:  The top of a tree near the tennis court was removed.

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General Information

The exterior of our building creates the first impression of our home. This committee helps to ensure that the first impression is a positive one. The committee, with the property manager, reviews and recommends to the board the specifications and content of any existing or proposed contract for landscape, garden and grounds maintenance. For a more detailed explanation of this committee, please click here.

We enjoy award-winning landscaping at 50 Quebec Avenue thanks to Wayne Hudson at Park Place Grounds Maintenance Inc. Wayne's company was the "Annual Maintenance Program Award Winner for Multi Residential Maintenance - Under 2 acres" in both 2008 and 2010, for his work on 50/80/100 Quebec. For further information on this award, please click here.

Information on Park Place Grounds Maintenance Inc. is available at their website - Parkplacegrounds.ca

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Landscape and Grounds Advisory Committee:


PREAMBLE: The exterior of our building creates the first impression of our home; therefore, considerable time, effort and resources have traditionally been invested in proper care of the grounds. We strongly believe however, that "a home and its surroundings should be a positive reflection of the character of the people who live there" and, in response to suggestions received from owners and residents, the Board of Directors has taken the initiative of establishing a Landscape and Grounds Advisory Committee.

The Board manages the affairs of the corporation directly, through our appointed Property Manager and any contracted professionals. Advisory Committees are created to extend the Board's necessarily limited capacity for research and detailed knowledge in every specialized area. Members of the committees do not have executive authority or responsibility and do not direct or implement the work itself.


1. The function of this committee is to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the development and maintenance of our landscaping, gardens and grounds. This will include researching and assessing both their own and other owners' ideas, preferences and suggestions, and coordinating them into an overall, long-term plan, which can then be considered by the Board and subsequently budgeted and implemented through the Property Manager and the contractors.

2. The committee shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members, including a Chairperson, all appointed by the Board.

3. The Board may, at its discretion, assign one director to have primary contact with the committee.

4. The Chairperson will report regularly to the Board on the activities of the committee and, when appropriate, will present to the Board any formal projects and recommendations or general concepts that the committee may develop.

5. Annually, prior to the establishment of the corporation's fiscal year's budget, the committee will prepare recommendations to the Board of Directors for expenditures to improve and maintain the grounds and gardens.

6. As and when required, the committee will, with the Property Manager, review and recommend to the Board of Directors, the specifications and content of any existing or proposed contract for landscape, garden and grounds maintenance.

7. Landscape, garden and grounds is defined as including:

a. all lawns and open areas

b. all flower beds

c. all trees, shrubs and plants

d. all fencing, handrails and permanent seating and includes steps, sidewalks and walkways, and their borders.

Note the exception of HPGR controlled lands.

8. Maintenance is defined as including:

a. the selection and location of annual flowering plantings

b. the selection and location of seasonal flowering bulbs

c. a program for pruning and spraying trees and shrubs

d. plans for removal and/or replacement of trees and shrubs

e. regular routine tilling, weeding, clearing, mowing and trimming.

9. In order to perform the foregoing functions, the individual members of the committee may necessarily have some contact and discussion with the Property Manager, but the primary responsibility for such contact will lie with the Chairperson. The Property Manager retains the direct management responsibility for all work contracted on behalf of the corporation.

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